MTI - Midwest Technical Inspections is a leading national provider of insurance inspection, risk control, and premium audit related services. We help our clients properly identify, classify, and mitigate risk. This can, depending on our client, aid them in: underwriting an insurance policy, reducing loss potential for their business, improving their work focus and analysis. We primarily serve the insurance industry and non-insurance markets whose needs relate to insurance, inspection, and safety; including state and municipal government entities, and general industry and commercial business clients. Through our Field and Call Center operations, we provide a wide-range of services including: Commercial, Agricultural, and Personal Lines inspections; Risk Control & Safety Consulting services, and Premium Audit services. "The Pyramid stands for Quality, Service, and You."


Insurance Services

Field Inspections

Field Inspections

Telephone Inspections

Telephone Inspections

Premium Audits

Premium Audits

Safety Consulting / Loss Control

Safety Consulting / Loss Control

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Featured Service

Our Virtual Field Surveys allow us to "visit" a risk via the insured’s own smart phone or tablet; interviewing while watching the insured's live-stream guided tour of their facility.

Closely replicating an on-site inspection; operational and mechanical exposures / hazards can be image-captured under the watchful eye of the virtual field rep.

Utilizing an email or text message link, with NO downloading of Apps or Programs, the user-friendly interface links the insured to the virtual rep. Security limits access to only the live stream, camera, and voice communication of the insured's device; eliminating privacy concerns as they retain overall control of the process.

Virtual Field Surveys are ideal when an in-person visit is not an option due to factors such as geography, insured availability, and expense control.


Enjoying 36 Years of
"Quality, Service, and You"

Time Service = Qualified Labor!

While the Global Pandemic may be over, its shock-waves continue to reverberate. Most industries and businesses are experiencing labor shortages; struggling to get back to pre-pandemic staffing levels. Our segment is no exception.

While everyone is pushing to bolster their ranks with qualified Inspection, Loss Control, and Premium Audit personnel, the same labor shortage also impacts the policy-holders' ability to commit to appointments as they are rightfully pre-occupied with their own staffing ...

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